![]() If you own a Digicel Playbox , you can follow the following tips to subscribe to any of the Television Plans . Before we proceed, let us look at the cost of Digical TV plans (as of April, 2021. Cost of Digicel TV PlansDigicel has the following TV plans
Note: The company says, rates are expected to change without notice. How to buy Digicel TV planYou can follow the following tips to buy Digicel TV plan. Requirements.
If you have the above set, follow the steps below to subscribe to TV plan.
How to buy Digicel TV Plan using Cell MoniYou can also buy Digicel TV Plans using Cell Moni. Simply follow the following steps.
Condition : To buy Digicel Plan, you should be an active CellMoni customer with a balance in your wallet and follow below steps:
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