By Des Yaninen Many of the jobs we have today will be obsolete and redundant in 5 years time. According to the World Economic Forum, below are the top 10 skills you should have. Interestingly, being an Administrator of a Facebook/Whatsapp/Telegram/LinkedIn group will be a very valuable skill. Today you can make tens of thousands per annum being an admin of having a popular page. In 5 years time you'll be able to make hundreds of thousands and few can make over a million Kina. What do you now? Create a social media group for a topic or subject you are an expert in. The more it grows the more your influence and value grows. Who are the biggest social media influencers today? Some of them are;
In the next article I will discuss how exactly to monetize your content and make money from your group or page. Next : How To Protect Android Mobile Phones Comments are closed.
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